U型槽及平槽工艺施工流程 |
添加时间:2017/12/29 16:42:42 浏览次数: |
外墙涂料施工是一项要求极高的工程,要达到工艺精美,势必要下一番苦功。继上期《深槽工艺》解读之后,这次卓施特商学院进一步讲解《U型槽及平槽工艺》,希望对广大客户朋友有所助益。 The construction of exterior wall paint is a highly demanding project, to achieve the exquisite technology, is bound to be a lot of hard work. After reading the "deep groove process", the meaning of "Zhuo business school to further explain U slot and router technology", hope to be helpful to our customers and friends. 1 One U型槽工艺流程: U groove process flow: 1.基面清理。 1. base surface cleaning. 2.批益胶泥、粘贴网格布。 2. batch of beneficial glue and stickup mesh. 3.弹线分格,贴泡沫胶带,泡沫胶带选择宽度1.5cm,厚度0.3cm左右。 The 3. line is divided, the foam tape is attached, the choice width of the foam tape is 1.5cm, and the thickness is about 0.3cm. 4.批刮第一道腻子,与胶带平齐,待腻子干后,撕去胶带。 The 4. batch of the first putty, flat with the tape, and tearing off the tape after the putty is dry. 5.在第一道腻子的基础上批第二道腻子,把缝批平,接着用直径1.5cm左右的PVC管沿着线槽拉出U型分割槽。 5. on the basis of the first putty, the second pass putty was batched, and the seam was leveled, and then the PVC pipe was pulled out of the slot of the U type along the line slot with the diameter of 1.5cm. 6.待腻子保养干透后,对U型槽修边打磨,上一道封闭底漆。 6. after the maintenance of the putty, the U groove trimming and grinding, a closed primer. 7.封闭底漆干透后,画黑色或其他颜色的分格线专用漆。 7. after the sealing primer is dry, paint a special lacquer for black or other color. 8.将分格线用美纹纸保护好后,上有色底漆。 8. after protecting the grid line with the beauty paper, the coloured primer. 9.有色底漆干透后,喷中涂主材2遍,及时撕去美纹纸。 9. colored primer is dry, spray coating material 2 times, timely tear textured paper. 10.罩专用面漆。 10. cover lacquer. 2 Two 平槽工艺流程 Full process 1.基面清理 1. base surface cleaning 2.批益胶泥、粘贴网格布 2. batch of plaster and sticker 3.批刮腻子2道 3. batches of shaving putty 2 4.待腻子保养干透后,上一道封闭底漆 4. after the putty is maintained and dried, a closed primer 5.封闭底漆干透后,弹线分格,涂刷分格线专用漆 5. after the sealing primer is dry, the line is divided and the special paint is painted. 6.粘贴美纹纸,上有色底漆 6. stickout paper, colored primer 9.有色底漆干透后,喷中涂主材2遍,及时撕去美纹纸 9. colored primer is dry, spray coating material 2 times, timely tear textured paper 10.罩专用面漆 10. cover lacquer |
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