模具的一般分类:可分为塑胶模具及非塑胶模具: |
添加时间:2022/7/29 14:55:24 浏览次数: |
模具的一般分类:可分为塑胶模具及非塑胶模具: General classification of mold: it can be divided into plastic mold and non plastic mold: (1)非塑胶模具有:铸造模、锻造模、冲压模、压铸模等。 (1) Non plastic molds include: casting mold, forging mold, stamping mold, die-casting mold, etc. A.铸造模——水龙头、生铁平台 A. Casting mold - faucet, pig iron platform B.锻造模——汽车身 B. Forging die - automobile body C.冲压模——计算机面板 C. Stamping die - computer panel D.压铸模——超合金,汽缸体 D. Die casting die - superalloy, cylinder block (2)塑胶模具根据生产工艺和生产产品的不同又分为: (2) Plastic molds can be divided into the following according to different production processes and products: A.注射成型模——电视机外壳、键盘按钮(应用最普遍) A. Injection molding mold - TV shell, keyboard button (the most widely used) B.吹气模——饮料瓶 B. Blow mold - beverage bottle C.压缩成型模——电木开关、科学瓷碗碟 C. Compression molding mold - bakelite switch, scientific porcelain bowl and dish D.转移成型模—框格护坡模具 箱体护坡模具 华尔街铜牛 电阻柜 接地电阻柜 电缆保护接地箱 隔离墩模具 化粪池模具—集成电路制品 D. Transfer molding mold - integrated circuit products E.挤压成型模——胶水管、塑胶袋 E. Extrusion mold - glue pipe, plastic bag F.热成型模——透明成型包装外壳 F. Thermoforming mold - transparent molding packaging shell G.旋转成型模——软胶洋娃娃玩具 G. Rotary molding mold soft rubber doll to |
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