使用U型砖浇筑构造柱混凝土 |
添加时间:2018/1/8 16:46:26 浏览次数: |
要完成一个构造柱的施工,就需要支模板、绑钢筋、浇筑混凝土。 In order to complete the construction of a structural column, a template, a steel bar, and concrete are needed. 那么问题来了:能不能不支模板就浇筑构造柱的混凝土呢? So the question is: can the concrete be poured out of the structural column without a template? 没有做不到只有想不到,他们是这样做的——构造柱免支模施工工艺 They do not have to do it without being able to do it - the construction technology of the non - support model of the structure column |
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